New Look in 2021!

Mindstretch Preschool - for children with mild to moderate learning challenges.

2020 has been a hard year for all, we know. 2021 is going to be much better, we know that too. And so we’re building a new website in preparation for a brighter future. It will launch early in the new year. We look forward to sharing our next newsletter at that time too.

Newsletter 21

Face Masks - Mindstretch Preschool

We could never have imagined we would share our 21st newsletter during a pandemic. We are deeply sorry it is the case. Still, we do our best to keep moving forward, serving our families and community, working to be part of a brighter future. 🔆 Find our newsletter here: Mindstretch Newsletter 21.

Newsletter 20

It just so happens that our first newsletter of 2020 is our 20th edition. You can download it here: Newsletter 20 – we hope you enjoy the read. Our previous newsletters can be accessed under the Newsletter tab. We hope 2020 serves all our friends well. We at Mindstretch look forward to continuing with energy […]

Newsletter 19

Click here for our November Newsletter. Read the story of one small boy reaching for new heights, and learn how to keep your microbiome healthy. You’ll also see news of our new Bridging Class, for children aged 8 to 10. We’re excited to address this gap

Newsletter 18

Our July Newsletter is now available and can be downloaded here: Issue 18. In it, we look at how to best teach our children good life skills and self-discipline, even as we ensure they feel safe and loved. We hope you find the articles useful.

Newsletter 17

Our latest newsletter is now available: Newsletter 17. In it, learn about the dangers of too much for screen time for children and how to limit it. Read also about one child’s 4-year journey with Mindstretch – and there’s more…

Newsletter 16

We’ve tried something a little different in this newsletter: a photographic article showing techniques for developing prewriting skills. We hope you enjoy it. Click here to download Mindstretch Newsletter, Issue 16.

Newsletter 15

For our latest newsletter, please click here: Mindstretch Newsletter 15. In it we explain why we begin enrolling from as young as 3 years. Mindstretch photographer Roxanne also shares tips on how to get the best from photographing your children. Meet too the Firefighters who visit our school. We hope you enjoy the read!

Newsletter 14

Click here to download our latest newsletter: Issue 14. In it you’ll learn more about Art Therapy as a diagnostic and remedial tool. Read also about the therapeutic benefits of time spent in the Natural Environment.

Newsletter 13

Our final Mindstretch Newsletter of 2017 is now available. Sincere thanks are due Richard Rogers of Bendels Consulting for his piece focused on disability tax relief. Given that we are approaching the often party-filled year-end, it also seemed a good time to review the ingredients of a successful party. Happy reading, and we wish all our friends […]