New Look in 2021!

Mindstretch Preschool - for children with mild to moderate learning challenges.

2020 has been a hard year for all, we know. 2021 is going to be much better, we know that too. And so we’re building a new website in preparation for a brighter future. It will launch early in the new year. We look forward to sharing our next newsletter at that time too.

A Healthy, Productive Term

Spring - Mindstretch Preschool

It’s been a safe and healthy return to school, and now we are on a short Spring break. Thank you to all for so carefully and patiently following our Covid-mitigation rules. It’s been gratifying to see how quickly our youngsters got back into their school routine. We’ve loved seeing them benefit from the structure, routine, […]

Newsletter 21

Face Masks - Mindstretch Preschool

We could never have imagined we would share our 21st newsletter during a pandemic. We are deeply sorry it is the case. Still, we do our best to keep moving forward, serving our families and community, working to be part of a brighter future. 🔆 Find our newsletter here: Mindstretch Newsletter 21.

Over 60 and Counting …

Therapy, Play, Learning, Physical - Mindstretch Preschool

Since lockdown began, we have produced and circulated over 60 unique Activity Sheets tailored to the profile of our scholars. We’ve responded to all requests for help, and select sheets have helped communities as far afield as Ghana.

Covid-19 Health & Safety Certified

Covid-19 Health & Safety Certified - Mindstretch Preschool

Mindstretch staff have completed the Coronavirus Back2School Health & Safety course given by Sharon Isaacs, Registered Nurse and Educator. This adds to the Mindstretch Covid-19 Health & Hygiene Protocol that conforms with government legislation and scientific guidance.

Keeping Relevant

Mask - Mindstretch Preschool

Our Outreach Sheets are devised to help our Mindstretch families navigate and survive lock down with calm and continued learning. We also ensure relevant contributions considering the ‘new normal’. This week we looked at germs and preventing their spread. Two of our sheets, the ‘senior’ versions, can be accessed here: 🔅 PLAY – Fun-Time Masks🔅 […]

Outreach Continues

Our OUTREACH continues well: one of our four activity sheets last week considered Rainbows. Now our kiddies are implementing the ideas at home.

Outreach Has Begun

These are historic times, difficult times, the kind of times that show a person or company for what they are. We at Mindstretch are mindful of our families locked up at home. And so we act to help! We have initiated an OUTREACH PROGRAMME: our teachers CHECK IN through voice or video with their parents […]

Be Safe

Mindstretch is currently closed, per Presidential orders. We wish all our families and friends good health, calm and consideration. Treasure this time with your loved ones. We are thinking of you 💚.

Newsletter 20

It just so happens that our first newsletter of 2020 is our 20th edition. You can download it here: Newsletter 20 – we hope you enjoy the read. Our previous newsletters can be accessed under the Newsletter tab. We hope 2020 serves all our friends well. We at Mindstretch look forward to continuing with energy […]