About Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder refers to a wide range of conditions that are characterised by difficulties with social skills, speech, non-verbal communication and repetitive behaviours.

There are many subtypes of autism. These are influenced primarily by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Because autism is a spectrum disorder every person with autism shows a different set of strengths and weaknesses. While one person might be highly skilled in learning, problem solving and thinking, another might be challenged in these same areas.

These difficulties mean some people with autism are capable of living independently or require only minimal support while others need significant support.

Autism is often accompanied by medical and sensory issues. These include gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disorders and sensitivity to sound. Other issue can include traits of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) or anxiety.  

Mindstretch School * Moving from Labelling to Enabling

The Signs of Autism

Signs of autism generally appear by the age of 2 or 3, although sometimes it can be identified as early as 18 months. The earlier a child is diagnosed and the sooner expert intervention begins the better in terms of later life outcomes. Not every child will display the same signs. It is important to seek professional evaluation as soon as possible.

6 Months

  • No big smiles or emotional engaging
  • Minimal eye contact

9 Months

  • Very few or no facial expressions or sharing of sounds or smiles

12 Months

  • Little to no babbling sounds
  • Limited or no pointing, showing, waving or reaching for things
  • Limited or no response to their name

16 Months

  • Few or no words

24 Months

  •  Minimal meaningful two-word phrases (this does not include repeating or imitating)

Any Age

  • Loss of speech or social skills
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Preferring to be alone
  • Unable to understand other people’s emotions
  • Delays in language development
  • Excessive repetition of words
  • Resistance to minor routine changes or changes to surroundings
  • Repetitive behaviours
  • Intense reactions to stimuli – smells, takes, sounds etc.

Mindstretch School enrols children from age 2.5 years

We are located in Pinelands, Cape Town.

Our standard school day runs from 07h30/08h30 to 12h30/13h30.

Aftercare is available to either 14h30 or to 17h00.

Screening for Autism

If you are concerned that your child might have an autism spectrum disorder, take them to your healthcare provider. They will help to evaluate your child. An early diagnosis is important as early intervention is key to helping your child progress and reach their full potential.
  • Please Contact Us to learn more or view our Tributes for other parents’ experience with Mindstretch.
  • You can sign up for our newsletters (just three a year) at the bottom of this page.

The Mindstretch Way

We believe that every child can reach their full potential if learning challenges are addressed early in development. We individualise our programme to the needs of each child. Progress and inclusion are our goal.