Shared by his mother, Mikhalia
Corom-Lee is a chatty, funny, adventurous and mindful little boy who’s just started Grade 1 in a mainstream school. It wasn’t always so positive and easy … until Mindstretch helped Corom speak.
In the Beginning
When I look at him now, it seems a distant memory – once upon a time he struggled to hit milestones, none as apparent as his inability to find his voice. He could point at pictures and know what they showed, so I knew something inside of him must be hidden, or at least I hoped so. We waited, thinking that as he got older it would get better. However, as he got older it wasn’t just that he couldn’t speak, it was the inability to express himself that I think made him very angry. We dealt with doors being slammed, lots and lots of tears and hiding under the table to just get away. It was the hardest reality knowing that my child needed my help but that I didn’t know how to help him.
Moving to Find Help
By the time covid struck Corom was two and a half years old. There was no change. He still couldn’t speak. I knew that if we intended to help our son we’d have to act soon. At the time we resided in Rwanda and we chose to return to South Africa to get Corom with the best possible help.
Finding Mindstretch
I found Mindstretch through random google searches. I liked its slogan from labeling to enabling and the testimonials on the website by parents who have been where we were. For the longest time the only gift I wanted was to hear Corom say, “Mommy I love you”. I know it was always implied but I wanted to hear it so badly. It broke my heart that it wasn’t there.
I reached out to Mindstretch School and had my first Zoom meeting with the Principal, Jennifer. One of the first questions she asked me was “How did you find us? Because we are one of the best!” I loved her confidence. I told her about the challenges we faced with Corom – he wasn’t potty trained, used a bottle, and still wanted a dummy. None of it put her off. She just wanted to know when she could expect us in Cape Town.
“I told Jennifer about the challenges we faced but none of them put her off”
Mindstretch Helped Corom Speak
In May 2021, we enrolled Corom at Mindstretch. Jennifer and her arsenal of amazing, loving teachers, enveloped our son in warmth and kindness and knowledge on how to bring to life our inward-looking little boy. Now Corom cracks jokes and tells stories. He reminds me of adventures he would like to enjoy. Most importantly, he creeps into the little crevices of my heart every time he says, “I love you, Mom”.
It wasn’t just that Mindstretch helped Corom find his voice. The school also equipped him with the tools to let us, his family, know what he wanted and needed. I discovered my son during his time at Mindstretch. There developed a little person who I always loved unconditionally, with every fiber of my being, and finally I could put my finger on why I was so happy to have the privilege of calling him mine.
There are not enough words to express the difference that Mindstretch has made, how deeply they’ve impacted Corom’s life for the better, or how they will always be part of our family. He had wonderful class teachers in Leslie, Talent, Lucia and Pam. And, more than that, every teacher loved him and played their part in helping him reach the goals set for him.

“There are not enough words to express the difference that Mindstretch has made, how deeply they’ve impacted Corom’s life for the better.”
Corom’s Future Unfolding
Corom has completed his first term of grade 1. He received a wonderful report card from his current teacher. He’s doing well, though I was super concerned that it might go pear-shaped because he’d be surrounded by children who do not face the same challenges to speak. He’s confident, willing to learn and he’s growing by leaps and bounds. I know this is because he came from an environment at Mindstretch where he was loved and given the tools to know he can do anything he sets his mind to.
I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Corom. He’s taken up karate and will enter his first competition soon. Karate’s the perfect outlet for his energy overload. He’s also taken up music and he’s learning to play the piano. He loves mathematics, “Because my brain is smart mommy”.
Jennifer was right when she quipped that Mindstretch do excellent work! It is. Our Corom is testament to that. I believe there isn’t a challenge that Mindstretch cannot undertake, there isn’t a child they cannot help, and there isn’t a parent whose mind they cannot put at ease.
Thank you, Mindstretch!

Please contact us for more information.
See our article Speech and Language in Early Child Development for more on how we help children find their voices.