Our Teachers are a Priority - Mindstretch School for children with mild to moderate learning challenges.
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Mindstretch News – Claiming 2023

As our Mindstretch School news update shows, it may only be February but we’re already hard at it. There’s not a day to loose when it comes to claiming our children’s futures!

Mindstretch School enters its 10th year of service in 2023. Thank you to all who support our mission.

Family Valentine's Picnic and Social

Love threads through every day at Mindstretch. It only seems right to celebrate Valentine’s Day with our families. Thanks to all who joined in the spirit of love, community, kindness. The weather was hot, but so was the fun.

Enhanced Expressive Language

Enhanced expressive language is a key theme for Mindstretch teachers in 2023. Our teachers have begun their new learning with Makaton signing workshops. The aim is to augment and encourage the spoken word for our children with autism. Combining auditory and visual cues helps a lot.

Valuing our Staff

A classroom is only as good as its teachers, which is why we employ the best, and care for them. We do this through individual support, continued professional training, and team building initiatives. Well done to Deborah, Lucia and Rene on their special recognition awards of 2022! Making the selection is tricky when all your staff are great.

Our teachers affect our children’s outcomes, and that affects the fate of the world.

Mindstretch Learners Succeed!

Often in December we receive updates from the parents of past graduates. This note from the mother of one of our original students says much. A young life changed for the better, it’s the true reward.

Hi Jennifer, hope you are well. I still receive my Mindstretch newsletter 🙂

I thought I should share that our son (one of your two first-ever Mindstretch students) is off to high school next year.

We will never forget the help and safe environment you offered him, and the invaluable intervention.

He has grown into a fine young man, goes to mainstream school, but in small classes. Again, we will always be grateful to Mindstretch.”

See our Tributes for more Mindstretch success stories.

 Love. Kindness. Community.

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