Tribute for Lamar, Mindstretch school
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Tribute shared by his mother, Samantha

Lamar's Diagnosis

Lamar started daycare when he was 1 year old. The teachers noticed he always played by himself, and that he had little speech and communicated mostly by pointing. They reported that Lamar progressively became more and more introverted at his daycare. At the age of 3, I took him for a checkup by his pediatrician who advised me to take Lamar to a neurologist as he was not reaching his milestones. I went to visit Dr Schlegel and she formally diagnosed Lamar with autism spectrum disorder. The doctor recommended Mindstretch as a good fit for my son.

Mindstretch School, the Solution

Lamar started at Mindstretch the same year he was diagnosed. He immediately loved the school and did well with the classes, which were smaller. The teachers made sure that Lamar interacted with all the other children on all levels. He received speech therapy at least once a week and the speech therapist sent me reports on every session.

Mindstretch School covers a combination of fun, love and excitement in its learning style and approach, and that has been the full recipe of my son’s development. When Lamar reached the age of 6 he was ready to leave preschool and we were very happy when he was accepted into mainstream education!

Tribute for Lamar, Mindstretch school

Later, Tears of Joy

For his last birthday Lamar asked to visit Mindstretch again. How happy he was to see his teachers and a few of his friends. After we left a flood of memories came back to him and he cried. I asked “Are you okay”, and he replied “Mom, this is tears of joy”. He also said that he remembers how much he was loved and the influence everyone had on him and his time at the school. I truly did not expect this from a 9 year old.

Lamar is thriving at junior school, and this is all thanks to early intervention and the heartwarming assistance he received at Mindstretch. I write this tribute for Lamar with joy and know I am forever grateful!

“Lamar remembers how much he was loved and the influence everyone had on him at school.” 

Mindstretch Offers Early Intervention

Learn about our Comprehensive Tuition Programme admitting children from 2.5 years. Or Contact Us for information.

Visit our article Act Early for Maximum Impact for the benefits of early intervention. As the experts say, you can never start to early. And yet, as with all things in life, it also is never too late to start!

The ‘Mindstretch Way’ is founded on the belief that every child can reach their full potential if learning challenges are addressed early in development.

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