A community may be defined as one that shares a sense of place situated in a given geographical area – for instance our Pinelands-based preschool in beautiful Cape Town in wild and wonderful South Africa. We take the definition a step further: we believe strong communities share a commonality of values.
Mindstretch’s key value proposition is service. We release a learner’s potential and, by bettering their life, we help their parents, their siblings and extended families, and the greater community. Of course, we’re not the only ones in service to the social good. We too receive valued assistance.
In this regard, we give a shout out to the Methodist Church located in Pinelands. We thank them for allowing our learners a happy place where they can learn and grow.
It began a few years back, when we needed to expand but wanted to keep our offering in Pinelands. I approached the church and spoke to Minister Ross about renting premises. Already, at that very first meeting, he was receptive to the idea. Since then, our learners have enjoyed the church’s spacious rooms and grounds. It’s a place with freedom and joy in it.
Love, acceptance and assistance, it rather sounds like community service.
I thank the Methodist Church, Ross, Gilly and Maureen, and all the Board and parishioners.
Founder and Principal